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Thursday, August 18, 2005

When to create syntax in Lisp?

From the gambit email list, I respond to this question about writing macros...

In your opinion, is it appropriate to use a macro to abstract away repetitive boiler-plate code? Or is this better done in a procedure?
This is almost always a procedural abstraction rather than syntax, especially for beginners with Lisp... better to spend a lot of time with just procedural abstraction, higher-order functions, etc.

Syntactical abstraction I use for controlling the order of evaluation and sometimes to put a pretty syntax around use of lambda.

As an example an old Lisp control structure is called PROG1. This structure takes a sequence of statements, evaluates each in order, and returns the result of the first statement after the last has been evaluated. This is can be expressed as a Gambit macro, but I'll call it begin1 to be more like Scheme's begin than the old Lisp's progn.

? (define-macro (begin1 first-statement . remaining-statements)
    (let ((result-var (gensym 'first-result)))
      `(let ((,result-var ,first-statement))
         , at remaining-statements
? (begin1 1 2 3)
> (begin 1 2 3)
? (define result-var 5)
? (begin 1 2 result-var)
? (begin result-var 1 2 3)
? (begin1 result-var 1 2 3)
? (begin1 0 (display result-var) (newline) 1 2 3)
The begin1 is an example of control abstraction.

An example of the latter use of pretty syntax... consider a scenario where you are using a resource and you want some "before" and "after" actions. The base level way to implement this is with higher-order procedures. But who wants to write (lambda () ...) all the time? So on top of this build some pretty syntax. [Note that a better lambda notation like Smalltalk's block syntax would reduce the need for these situations. (pdf)] For example...

(define (call-when-ready procedure)
  (wait-until-ready time-out)
  (if (not (ready?))
      (call-when-ready procedure)))
Use it like this...
  (lambda () 
    (display "I am glad this is finally ready!")
This is fine when someone else is generating the code for you. Normally you might want to abstract the procedure as a sequence of statements...
  (display "I am glad this is finally ready!")
And so when-ready is defined as a macro that calls call-when-ready...
(define-macro (when-ready . body)
     (lambda ()
Will Farr added a neat example in the same thread...
Making little sub-languages for specialized processing e.g.

(with-vectors (v1 v2 v3) (v1 <- (+ v2 v3)))

for summing up the vectors v2 and v3 and storing it in v1. (I'm not going to put this macro up because it's long---the code is buried in this post: http://wmfarr.blogspot.com/2005/06/bigloo-macros-and-repl.html .)

[This] involves changing the evaluation rules for a piece of code (the vector assignment is evaluated once for each index with the corresponding variables bound to elements of a vector).Procedures would not work for either of them; you have to have a macro.

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Portland, Oregon, United States
I'm usually writing from my favorite location on the planet, the pacific northwest of the u.s. I write for myself only and unless otherwise specified my posts here should not be taken as representing an official position of my employer. Contact me at my gee mail account, username patrickdlogan.