"I have a mind like a steel... uh... thingy." Patrick Logan's weblog.

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Friday, April 10, 2009

XPDX April: Bugs Do Not Exist

This month's http://xpdx.org meeting...


Chris Sterling and Michael Tardiff are coming to Portland and will be
running April's XPDX session:

"We know about items on the product backlog, and getting them to
"Done." We know about impediments, and removing them as soon as
possible. And agile methods lead us toward shipping software with zero
defects, we hope. But bugs remain, for now, and we think of and treat
them quite differently from stories, tasks, and other work
items—perhaps to our, and our project's, detriment.
Buy why? We need your help finding an answer, or posing better questions.

In this interactive session, we'll explore the wealth of thoughts,
opinions, and especially the strong feelings behind the things we call

>>> Pizza is sponsored by YesMail <<<

Pizza arrives at 6:30pm, the session starts at 7pm, and at 9pm we move
on to a local bar.

CHIFOO: Workshop: Interaction Design & Agile Development Techniques

From the xpportland yahoo group...

"Jeff Patton is giving a one-day workshop on user-centered design and
agile methods, organized by CHIFOO. The notice is below, in case
you're interested."

Come join the Computer Human Interaction Forum of Oregon (CHIFOO) for
a full-day workshop with two leading UX designers and Agile

All Together Now: Blending Interaction Design and Agile Development Techniques

Lane Halley and Jeff Patton will lead a fast-paced day of fun and
learning. Through a combination of lecture and hands-on exercises, you
will increase your understanding of both User-Centered Design (UCD)
and Agile methods and gain useful techniques you can use immediately.

In this full-day workshop, you will learn how to:
• Choose appropriate UCD and Agile development techniques for your needs
• Successfully collaborate with diverse teams
• Understand who your "user" is, and what he or she values
• Create compelling design concepts that are shared by the entire team
• Iteratively sketch solutions as a group
• Translate design concepts into smaller user stories that can be implemented
• Prioritize and sequence product construction, without losing sight
of the "big picture"

This workshop is appropriate for people working in the UCD field, as
well as people curious about UCD or Agile.

Register Now for Lane Halley and Jeff Patton's Workshop

Registration is now open for Lane Halley and Jeff Patton's May 7, 2009
Workshop, "All Together Now: Blending Interaction Design and Agile
Development Techniques."

CHIFOO members receive a $50 discount off the price of the workshop!
Visit www.chifoo.org

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Portland, Oregon, United States
I'm usually writing from my favorite location on the planet, the pacific northwest of the u.s. I write for myself only and unless otherwise specified my posts here should not be taken as representing an official position of my employer. Contact me at my gee mail account, username patrickdlogan.